Since it was developed by Andy Rubin in 2003 ago, the Android operating system continues to ramps mobile devices in the world. Based on the report ' Global Stashot: Digital in Q3 2017 ' as reported from Katadata there are about 72.9 percent of mobile users using Android as the information system. No wonder that companies or individuals use it a lot in making applications. So, how to create your own Android app easily? You can see the following descriptions.

First determine what application will be created
Before you create an Android app, you need to first determine what the app is created for. It's just for companies, online trading sites and so on. The purpose of making this application is to bring the brand closer to consumers is one of them. Then for online trading site is facilitate in transactions and so on.

In making some Android applications to note is ease of use, attractive appearance and can be used in various platforms. You also have to highlight what your Android apps are all about with other similar apps.

Choose the right software
The next step after you consider what the Android app is by selecting that application software. How to make Android apps sometimes requires complex coding. However, there is now also a special software to create your own Android apps without using those complex coding.

The Software is usually free or paid. If you use paid software, the advantage will be greater because you can earn money from this app. Some examples of software that you can choose from include ShoutEm, Appery, Mobile Roadie, The App Builder, and AppMakr. Don't forget to pay attention to the features in the software for your Android app needs.

Start to design the app
How to make the easiest Android app usually by using the best software. We take the example only from the ShoutEm. To enter the software you need to login by entering your email address and password. After logging in, you can choose which apps you want to create for example business, music, radio, and so on. Then, you can choose which app theme is interesting and appropriate. You can also add appropriate photos or images but with a large enough size.

Next, you can add functions or activities in the app. This function will appear as a new screen in the application. After that adjust the view with the text and its content. Let's say you'll link your blog to fill RSS with recent posts. Also note the layout for each function.

The advantage of this ShoutEm can be the intermediary if you want to publish Android applications that you have made to the iPhone. Once approved, your application will appear in the AppStore service when it complies with the policies and regulations that Apple has issued. As for GooglePlay it's a little easier.

Make a trial
The final step of how to create an Android app is to do a test run. Once you've finished creating your Android app's design, it's a good idea to test it first. For that you need to download the APK file to the device and set the settings. The goal is to be aware of bugs or not in your Android app.

In conducting this trial is not quite done in once twice. You'll need to do it a few times to really make sure that the Android app is worth using, be sure if your androidapp has an accurate sign. Why so? This is to facilitate users in conducting searches in search engines.